API Advanced Filtering

The eHour API provides filtering capabilities to help you pinpoint the data you need. This article explains how to use the filter parameter on API endpoints that support filtering.

Supported Endpoints

The following endpoints support advanced filtering:

  1. /v2/clients
  2. /v2/clients-expanded
  3. /v3/projects
  4. /v3/projects-expanded
  5. /v3/users
  6. /v2/teams
  7. /v2/assignments

Basic Filter Structure

A filter consists of a property name, an operator, and a value to filter on. The format is:


Available Operators

Comparison Operators

The following cooperators can be used:

Operator Description Example
$eq Equal to client_name$eq:Acme
$ne Not equal to client_name$ne:Acme
$like Contains or matches pattern (use * as wildcards) client_name$like:*Acme*
$in Matches any value in a comma-separated list client_id$in:CLT1,CLT2,CLT3
$contains Array contains the given value user_id$contains:USR1
$before Date is before the given date client_created$before:2023-01-01
$after Date is after the given date client_created$after:2022-01-01

Logical Operators

You can combine multiple filters using logical operators. The syntax for logical operators is:

Operator Description Example
$and All conditions must be true client_active$eq:true$and:client_name$like:*Acme*
$or Any condition can be true client_name$like:*Acme*$or:client_name$like:*Corp*


You can also use parentheses for more complex combined logic. For example, to * find all inactive clients, or have "Tech" in their name created before March 18, 2025:


API Endpoints and Supported Fields

1. /v2/clients - Client Filtering

Available properties for filtering clients:

Property Data Type Supported Operators Example
client_id String $eq , $ne , $in client_id$eq:CUS42
client_active Boolean $eq , $ne client_active$eq:true
client_name String $eq , $ne , $like client_name$like:*Tech*
client_code String $eq , $ne , $like client_code$eq:TECH01
client_created Date $eq , $before , $after client_created$after:2023-01-01
client_description String $eq , $ne , $like client_description$like:*services*

2. /v2/clients-expanded - Expanded Client Filtering

This endpoint supports the same filters as /v2/clients , but returns more detailed client information in the response.

3. /v3/projects - Project Filtering

Property Data Type Supported Operators Example
project_id String $eq , $ne , $in project_id$eq:PRJ42
project_active Boolean $eq , $ne project_active$eq:true
project_name String $eq , $ne , $like , $in project_name$like:Web*
project_code String $eq , $ne , $like , $in project_code$eq:DEV2023
project_created Date $eq , $ne , $before , $after project_created$after:2023-01-01
client_id String $eq , $ne , $in client_id$in:CLT12,CLT13,CLT14
client_name String $eq , $ne , $like , $in client_name$eq:ACME
client_code String $eq , $ne , $like , $in client_code$like:COR*
client_created Date $eq , $ne , $before , $after client_created$before:2024-01-01

4. /v3/projects-expanded - Expanded Project Filtering

This endpoint supports the same filters as /v3/projects , but returns more detailed project information in the response.

5. /v3/users - Users Filtering

Property Data Type Supported Operators Example
user_id String $eq , $ne , $in user_id$eq:USR42
user_active Boolean $eq , $ne user_active$eq:true
user_name String $eq , $ne , $like , $in user_name$like:John*
user_email String $eq , $ne , $like , $in user_email$in:john@example.com,jane@example.com
user_created Date $eq , $ne , $before , $after user_created$after:2023-01-01

6. /v2/teams Team Filtering

Property Data Type Supported Operators Example
team_id String $eq , $ne , $in team_id$eq:TEM42
team_active Boolean $eq , $ne team_active$eq:true
team_name String $eq , $ne , $like , $in team_name$like:*evelopmen*
team_code String $eq , $ne , $like , $in team_code$ne:DEV01
team_created Date $eq , $ne , $before , $after team_created$after:2025-01-01$and:team_created$before:2025-02-01

7. /v2/assignments - Assignment Filtering

Available properties for filtering assignments:

Property Data Type Supported Operators Example
active Boolean $eq , $ne active$eq:true
user_active Boolean $eq , $ne user_active$eq:true
project_active Boolean $eq , $ne project_active$eq:true
client_active Boolean $eq , $ne client_active$eq:true
task_active Boolean $eq , $ne task_active$eq:true
active_period Date Range $eq , $before , $after active_period$eq:2023-01-01
project_id Number $eq , $ne , $in project_id$in:1,2,3
client_id Number $eq , $ne , $in client_id$eq:5
user_id String $eq , $ne , $in user_id$eq:USR1
task_id Number $eq , $ne , $in task_id$eq:10
team_id Number $eq , $ne , $in team_id$eq:3
project_name String $eq , $ne , $like project_name$like:*Website*
client_name String $eq , $ne , $like client_name$eq:Acme
user_name String $eq , $ne , $like user_name$like:*Smith*
task_name String $eq , $ne , $like task_name$like:*Development*
team_name String $eq , $ne , $like team_name$eq:Engineering
project_code String $eq , $ne , $like project_code$eq:PRJ01
client_code String $eq , $ne , $like client_code$like:ACM*
team_code String $eq , $ne , $like team_code$eq:ENG
user_email String $eq , $ne , $like user_email$like:*@example.com
user_created Date $eq , $before , $after user_created$after:2023-01-01
project_created Date $eq , $before , $after project_created$before:2023-12-31
client_created Date $eq , $before , $after client_created$after:2023-01-01
task_created Date $eq , $before , $after task_created$before:2023-12-31
team_created Date $eq , $before , $after team_created$after:2023-01-01

Notes on Field Names

  • You can use both formats for field names:
    • With underscores: client_name , project_id
    • Without underscores: clientname , projectid
  • Both formats will work the same way in your filter queries

Tips for Effective Filtering

  • For string comparisons, operators are case-insensitive
  • Use wildcards (*) with the $like operator for partial matches
  • Date filters work with ISO format dates (YYYY-MM-DD) or YYYY-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss
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