Tracking Time

In eHour, navigating to "Track Time" gives you an overview of all time entries for a week. A time entry contains information on how much time is tracked on a day, for a project/task, and with a comment describing the activity.

If you want to leave a note for your manager, you can leave a comment by clicking on the speech bubble icon beside the hours you tracked.

You can track time in eHour in two ways:

  1. Use the Timer to time your activity.
  2. Manual entry in the week overview.

Both methods can be mixed: you can start recording with the timer, do a manual correction afterward, and start a new timer to add more time.

Using the Timer

Use the Timer to time your activity. Once you are finished with your activity, stop the timer and select a project to add it to.

To start the timer, click on the green Start icon in the top navigation. Are you using eHour on your phone? The start button is located at the bottom of the page.

Once the timer is running, use the red Stop icon to stop the timer and select a project or task in the pop-up.

Next, select what you have been working on, a project or a task. Before saving the timer to your timesheet, you can change the duration or add a comment, describing your activity.

To continue with the timer, click on 'resume timer' or close the pop-up with the close button. 

To discard the timer, click the trash icon. You will not be able to undo this.

The start and end time are added to each time entry as a comment. Take note that the timezone in eHour is used, not the timezone of your computer.

Once you start the timer, it will keep running until you stop it; even if you leave the page or close the browser. You can log in from any computer or mobile device to stop it.

Manual entry

To manually enter time, select the project and click on the day you want to track hours. You can track the time you worked on a project or task as time (HH:MM) or in hours. Both 1:30 and 1.5 are accepted for one and a half hour.

No need to worry about updating tracked hours or losing data because you can make changes when needed and eHour automatically saves them for you.

If you want to leave a note for your manager, you can leave a comment by clicking on the speech bubble icon beside the hours you tracked. 

For example, if you track more than the budgeted hours, you can enter a brief explanation, then click Save to update the comment.

A warning popup lets you know when you track more than the budgeted hours and the project is configured to block extra hours.

Week navigation

Navigating through all past weeks is easy using either the back and forward arrows next to each week or using the week overview on top of the timesheet. 

To navigate to earlier weeks, drag the weeks to the right with your mouse.

Each bar represents a day, clicking on a day navigates you to the week of that day. The overview at the top shows full bars for days you tracked eight hours and fewer bars for days you tracked less. 

Organizing your timesheet

You can organize your timesheet as a list of projects or group all your projects by client. Use the icon next to the search bar to switch between these two structures.

Timesheet as a list of projects

With your timesheet organized as a list of projects, each row in the weekly timesheet is an assignment to a project or a task. Hours tracked for each project or task are shown in the rows. Hours tracked for the day are displayed in the columns.

The first column shows you either the project name or the project and task name, separated by a colon. The client's name is listed in grey below the project name. When configured in the settings, the project code is also shown. The project code is mainly used as an internal identifier across various applications in your software landscape.

Click on the project name to get more information such as allocated budget and such.

Favorite Projects

Keep your most frequently used projects and project tasks nearby by making them a favorite. In your timesheet, drag a project to the Favorite projects dropzone, and it will always be on top in all your weeks. To unfavorite a project, drag it from the Favorite projects list and drop it among the Other projects.

Projects grouped by client

As the name says; in this view your projects are grouped by client. The benefit is that you can collapse all projects of a client and thus reduce the number of visible projects.

eHour remembers which clients you have expanded or collapsed so you only have to do it once.

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